How to say thank you to your hairdresser

May 22, 2022 | General

How should you say thankyou to your hairdresser? It can sometimes be a thankless job, but it doesn't need to be. Here's how to brighten their day.
thanks hairdresser

Call them to say thank you

As a luxury salon in the heart of New York City, we don’t just care about the perfect cut. We also appreciate our clients and know their appreciation is what keeps us going. They’ve said so themselves—many times over! From thank you cards to flowers, gifts and beyond, hairdressers often have an outpouring of gratitude coming their way. For this reason, many people wonder how best to express thanks after a visit to the salon. Whatever your method, it’s important to get it right—and that’s why we’re here to help!

  • Don’t forget the card! If you’ve been meaning to pick up some art supplies for yourself or are looking forward to making a handmade masterpiece, now is the time to stock up on everything from quality paper and markers all the way down through glitter glue kits (or whatever you prefer). After all, who better deserves than your stylist? And if you’re feeling particularly crafty in your gratitude–go ahead and give them two cards–one for themselves as well as one for their family members who will undoubtedly be jealous of both your stylish haircut AND thoughtful gesture!
  • Make sure not only that they remember who you are (after all those other clients), but also that they know they had something special happen with YOU during their work day; so go out of your way by using social media tags like Facebook or Instagram Stories when tagging them in photos where they post too much about!

Discounts mean more cash flow around Christmas time…but don’t forget about all those birthdays throughout next year either–just because we love our clients doesn’t mean there isn’t more love waiting at home 😉

Write a letter

Purchase some nice stationery. You don’t need to go crazy and buy an expensive set, but it should be nicer than the paper you usually use. You can even make your own, or just pick up a “thank you” card at the supermarket on your way home.

Use a pen. No pencils allowed!

Be personal and genuine in what you write. Don’t just say “thank you,” but also mention their name and how long you’ve been going to them. Tell them why they are special to you, especially if they have helped with something like making you feel confident after a breakup or helping you come out of your shell by changing your appearance in some way. Make sure that what you write comes from the heart, not from a place of obligation (even though maybe it is a little bit obligatory).

Use simple language that’s easy for anyone to understand (including people who speak English as their second language). Keep it short too! Your hairdresser probably has other clients waiting for their appointments, and nobody has time for War and Peace levels of writing about hair on paper napkins anymore. They’re called IRL texts now! See? Easy!

Use a stamp when mailing the letter so that the only thing your hairdresser has to do is put it in his mailbox at work. That’s right, we said his mailbox! We know there are male hairdressers out there because they exist on TV all the time; plus one of our editors lives next door to one and actually sees him using his mailbox outside his salon sometimes during business hours (and even though he never mows his lawn or shovels snow off his driveway until literally April every year, he always puts stuff in his mailbox because he likes getting mail)!

Leave an online review


An online review is the gift that gives back twice: you thank your hairdresser, and other customers get to benefit from your wisdom. Reviews help a hairdresser’s business as well, because it encourages others to trust their services. There are also countless different websites on which you can leave reviews (Google, Yelp, Facebook, etc.), so this option can be good for those who want to put in minimal effort—you can do it at the table while waiting for your shampooing to finish! However, this option may not be the best one for situations where a personal touch has been involved: if you want to give something extra-special for a wedding or other formal occasion where someone has spent hours making sure that every detail is perfect for you. If you feel like a more personal approach is called for in your situation, then we recommend that you consider making something homemade instead of going online.

Send flowers

Have flowers delivered.

If you’re in another city or otherwise unable to deliver a physical thank you note, sending flowers is always a lovely gesture. If your hairdresser has a favorite flower, that’s one way to go; if not, seasonal bouquets are always welcome. Some of the most popular options include garden roses, tulips, dahlias and peonies, though obviously it all depends on the time of year (and availability). To add extra meaning to your gift, consider sending lilies to signify purity and devotion; white carnations to signify sweet love; lilacs for first love; and sunflowers for loyalty and longevity. Or just send whatever looks pretty—you can’t go wrong!

Give them a gift card

Gift cards are one of the best gifts you can give a service provider. They’re a token of appreciation, and hairdressers appreciate them immensely. They’re also easy to buy, easy to send and easy to store, so it’s simple for you to do right by your hair artist.

A gift card is perfect for someone who doesn’t ask for much. That said, make sure that your technician isn’t just being polite when they say they don’t want anything. If you have any doubt about their sincerity, it might not be appropriate to give a gift card as a thank-you gift. Also remember that unless you know your stylist or colorist quite well—and even then—don’t give them cash!

Make it personal to your hairdresser

As with any gift, the best presents are personal. If you’re not sure what your hairdresser would like, consider asking their favorite color or flower, or whether they have a favorite designer. One of our guests mentioned that she gifts her stylist with a silk scarf each year, and a few others planned to give the gift of jewelry.

If you’re looking for something more tailored to the needs of a hairdresser, consider artist gloves for protecting hands from chemicals and hot tools as well as extra brushes and tools that they can use in their work.

Saying thanks is easy and thoughtful, and can make your hairdresser feel happy and appreciated

Thanks shouldn’t have to be a chore—it should always be spontaneous. When you have time, don’t forget to say thank you!

Sometimes all it takes is a little “Thank you!” Sometimes sheer enthusiasm can go a long way. If your hairdresser just made your day brighter and your hair look amazing, try saying it straight out: “I love my new cut! Thank you so much!” You could also explain why or how they helped you achieve the look or feel that has improved your day. Whatever it is, this small gesture of gratitude will certainly make their day and give them something to smile about all day long!

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